Industry Intensive Global Complexion


The Powder Group’s Industry Intensive series has changed what was expected from pro makeup artist events by shifting to full-day, multi-artist programs focused on one area of the industry. Now as the world of virtual programing grows to encompass more and more of our educational, inspirational and connection focused programs, we are proud to launch the next in our series of groundbreaking programs with Industry Intensive: Global Complexion.

The program will take place completely online on Zoom, with ten live programs spanning two days and featuring all beauty makeup demonstrations along with technique and product insight. There is a two week On Demand rewatch option for the program as well. The program will exclusively feature BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) presenters and models for a truly global perspective.

Industry Intensive: Global Complexion will be broadcast live on Sunday, December 5 and Monday December 6 from 12:00-6:00 PM Eastern.

The session will feature the following presenters: Alexx Mayo, Alice An, Dee Rouzan, Fidel Gonzalez, Ilde Goncalves, Joyce Luck, Matin Maulawizada, Nick Lujan, Romero Jennings and Stephanie Flor.

Participation is open to all beauty industry professionals. TPG Pro Members receive preferred rate of $190 for the two-day session Members of the Local 706, 798 and other makeup craft unions receive the TPG Pro member rate of $190. PBA Members participate at $290 and non-members $390. Registered participants may watch the live broadcast on December 5-6 and/or watch a Rewatch of the program at any time for two weeks following the live broadcast for no additional charge.

The event is sponsored by SENNA Cosmetics, Skindinavia, Beekman 1802, OMNIA, Cinema Secrets, RCMA Makeup, KETT Cosmetics, Kevyn Aucoin, Alcone Company, MAC Cosmetics, B3 Balm and On Makeup Magazine. This event is produced and hosted by The Powder Group founder, Michael DeVellis.Click here to register now.


Industry Intensive: Global Complexion Presenters


Industry Intensive Stage and Screen


Date: Sunday December 5 & Monday December 6, 2021
Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm (EST) each day
Location: Online Zoom Sessions


Sunday December 5th
  • 12:00 | Matin Maulawizada
  • 1:15 | Ilde Goncalves
  • 2:30 | Dee Rouzan
  • 3:45 | Alice An
  • 5:00 | Fidel Gonzalez
Monday December 6th
  • 12:00 | Romero Jennings
  • 1:15 | Stephanie Flor
  • 2:30 | Joyce Luck
  • 3:45 | Nick Lujan
  • 5:00 | Alexx Mayo
  • **Please Note: presenters and schedule is subject to change based on artist availability.


TPG Pro Members: $190.00 REGISTER NOW!
Union Members: $190.00 REGISTER NOW!
PBA Members: $290.00 REGISTER NOW!
Non-Members: $390.00 REGISTER NOW!

For more information about this program or for help with registration please contact
Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

***For late registration please contact


TPG Pro Members Deposit - $50.00

TPG Pro Members - $190.00

Union Members - $190.00

PBA Members - $290.00

Non-Members - $390.00